Caitlin Bartz
Posted 03/05/2006 7:04:12 AM PDT

to the fessler family: my thoughts and prayers are with you in such a difficult time, but we all known he's moved on to a better place. mr. fessler was such an amazing teacher and man, and i'll never forget his huge heart. i came to portage my 8th grade year and was blessed enough to have him as my teacher, and nothing eased my transition more than having him in mod 5/6. i was his aide several terms, and more importantly, when i wasn't an aide, he wrote me a pass out of study hall every single day so i could help him out and spend more time with my new friends to help make my year easier. also, i'll never forget the trailblazer bowling trip. we were just about to get on the bus and i noticed that my newly pierced ear had just swallowed my earring and was stuck inside my earlobe. i rushed to the school nurse to have to pull it out, and the buses left without me, but mr. fessler stayed behind with me, and then drove me to the bowling alley so i wouldn't miss out on the fun. he was a truly amazing teacher, and the most selfless, good-humored, and kind man and he will be greatly missed. the world is a better place having had myron be a part of it. xoxo Caitlin Bartz